A part of the pure CSS picker.

It is a pure CSS selector part that:

  • does not contain empty properties,
  • does not contain unnecessary * element,
  • does not contain empty class names,
  • does not contain empty class names array,
  • has class names sorted,
  • does not contain empty sub-selectors array,
  • contains normalized sub-pickers.

This is the base of the CSS picker part. In contrast to the latter it does not support qualifiers.




c?: readonly [QualifiedName, QualifiedName]

Array of element class names.

Either absent, or non-empty and containing non-empty class names sorted alphabetically.

e?: QualifiedName

Element name.

This is the same as * when absent. Unless the part contains only sub-selectors, and the first one is either a pseudo-class or a pseudo-element.

i?: QualifiedName

Element identifier.

ns?: string | NamespaceDef

Element namespace.

s?: string

Raw CSS selector text to append to the end.

When all other properties are omitted this one represents a raw CSS selector text. Otherwise it is appended to other selector parts representation.

Array of sub-pickers, each of which represents either attribute selector, pseudo-class, or pseudo-element.

Either absent or non-empty.

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