Class InCssClassesAbstract

An aspect of the user input representing CSS classes to apply to styled element.

Implements an EventKeeper interface by reporting all CSS classes applied to styled element.


  • InCssClasses




read: AfterEvent<[InCssClasses.Map]>

An AfterEvent keeper of CSS classes to be applied to styled element.

The [AfterEvent__symbol] property is an alias of this one.

track: AfterEvent<[readonly string[], readonly string[]]>

An AfterEvent keeper of added and removed CSS classes.

Sends current CSS classes as added ones on receiver registration.



  • Applies CSS classes to the given styled element.


    • element: Element

      Target element to apply CSS classes to.

    • Optional schedule: RenderSchedule

      DOM render schedule to add CSS class updates to. A new schedule is constructed by input render scheduler by default.

    Returns Supply

    CSS classes supply that stops their application and removes already applied ones once cut off.

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