Function inRadio

  • Creates input control for the given radio button element.

    The created control has true value when radio button is checked.

    Sets input mode to -on when radio is not checked. Thus making control data undefined.


    • element: HTMLInputElement

      Target radio button element.

    Returns InRadio

    New radio button input control instance.

  • Creates input control for the given radio button element with default aspects.

    The created control has true value when radio button is checked.

    Sets input mode to -on when radio is not checked. Thus making control data undefined.


    • element: HTMLInputElement

      Target radio button element.

    • aspects: {
          aspects?: Aspect<undefined | boolean, undefined | boolean> | readonly Aspect<undefined | boolean, undefined | boolean>[];

      Input aspects applied by default. These are aspect converters to constructed control from the same-valued one.

      • Optional Readonly aspects?: Aspect<undefined | boolean, undefined | boolean> | readonly Aspect<undefined | boolean, undefined | boolean>[]

    Returns InRadio

    New radio button input control instance.

  • Creates input control for the given radio button element with custom control values.

    Sets input mode to -on when radio is not checked. Thus making control data undefined.

    Type Parameters

    • TValue

      Input value type.


    • element: HTMLInputElement

      Target radio button element.

    • values: InRadio.Values<TValue>

      Possible values of radio button control.

    Returns InRadio<TValue>

    New radio button input control instance.

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