Interface StypFormat

CSS styles production format.

Accepted by produceStyle function.

The following formats supported by style-producer:

  • stypObjectFormat - creates a <style> element per CSS rule and utilizes CSS object model to build its style sheet.
  • stypDomFormat - the same as above, but fills created <style> element with CSS text content generated by stypTextFormat. This is slower, but allows to generate styles before adding them to document.
  • stypTextFormat - reports style sheets as formatted CSS text.



nsAlias?: NamespaceAliaser

Namespace aliaser to use.

New instance will be created if not specified.

renderer?: StypRenderer | readonly StypRenderer[]

Renderer or renderer chain to use.

rootSelector?: DoqrySelector

A selector to use for root CSS rule.

body by default.

For custom elements a :host selector would be more appropriate.

scheduler?: RenderScheduler

DOM rendering operations scheduler.

Creates a render schedule per rule.

newRenderSchedule is used when omitted.


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