Variable stypRenderGlobalsConst

stypRenderGlobals: StypRenderer = ...

CSS stylesheet renderer of global at-rules.

It renders at-rules that should stay at the top level:

  • @namespace
  • @import

At-rule parameters are taken from root CSS rule properties and treated as following.

@import:url property value is treated as media query and appended after stylesheet URL. I.e.

"@import:path/to/included.css": "screen"


@import url(path/to/included.css) screen;

@namespace property value is treated as default namespace URL. I.e.

"@namespace": ""


@namespace url(;

@namespace:prefix property value is treated as namespace URL with the given prefix. I.e

"@namespace:svg": ""


@namespace svg url(;

Enabled by default in produceStyle function.

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